Lions Mane
Where can I buy Lions Mane in Australia?
You can buy directly from our website with express shipping. Or visit one of our stockists
How do you cook with Lions Mane Mushrooms?
Adding Lions Mane into your meals is a great way to get your dose of Lions Mane with ease. We've create a recipe section to help you with creating your own meals and incorporating them in to your cooking.
Does Lions Mane contain alcohol?
We've developed a range of alcohol free Lions Mane liquid functional mushrooms.
Where is your Lions Mane Mushrooms sourced?
Lions Mane that is grown Australia is currently untested for beneficial compounds therefore only imported Lions Mane has the compounds that Lions Mane is known for.
For this reason, we currently use a mixture of imported and locally grown Lions Mane.
We aim to offer 100% Australian grown functional mushroom products.
Once it has been officially tested and certified that the properties in Australian grown Lions Mane provide the beneficial properties that Lions Mane offers, we will work towards 100% Australian grown Lions Mane, like all of our other mushroom products.
Who is Touchwood Mushrooms?
Touchwood Mushrooms are an Australian owned family business. The Touchwood Mushrooms growing lab, headed up by Mycologist Graham Upson, in Denmark Western Australia is one of the most high-tech mushroom growing labs in the country.
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